In homes across the country, well water is a source of safe and reliable drinking water. But many are unaware that they must have their well water tested regularly to ensure its quality. Turning to our well drilling company in Napa County can ensure that your well water is of the optimal quality for safe consumption. In this latest post, we’ll explore the water testing process in greater detail.
When to test your water
With so many property owners now relying upon well water for their home water needs, it can be important to understand the timing for the testing process. Make sure you have your water tested when the following occurs:
Local water changes
When a neighbor or water-testing professional visits you with information on local water changes, it’s important to consider the testing process. Sometimes local soil conditions can affect water quality over a large area, and so a local problem can directly impact your home.
Environmental disturbances
In some cases, local environmental issues such as waste spills and landslides can directly impact the chemical composition of your well water. And so, it’s important to respond to these issues by calling well drilling companies in Napa County for water testing.
Changes in water quality
If you notice that water quality in the home has changed in recent weeks, you should consider calling a testing company immediately. A change in odor, color, or taste could indicate a hazard that is dangerous to your health over the long-term.
Well equipment problems
A change to the structure of the well and ongoing repair work on water processing equipment require you to conduct new water testing. This process will ensure that the equipment changes haven’t reduced the quality of the water from the well.
Trust Our Professionals
As one of the foremost well drilling companies in Napa County, Weeks Drilling & Pump works with homeowners throughout the region to test water quality. To discover more about the water testing process and your own home requirements, please call our experts today.