Did you know that it is possible for well water to become corrosive? Should this happen, you can say goodbye to pipes, fixtures, and fittings in your home as the acidic water will dissolve them. It is a worrying thought, isn’t it? You may wonder how can you tell if your well water is corrosive. The best way to do so is to use professional water treatment services in Sonoma County.

Identifying Corrosive Well Water

While you can hire a professional service to test the water from your well, it also pays to keep your taste buds active. When well water turns corrosive, it develops a bitter, metallic taste. Corrosiveness can occur due to naturally occurring mineral content in the rocks or in the spring, or it can changed by different water treatment techniques. Another way to identify corrosive well water is to check for blue/green stating on any of your fixtures or sinks. If it appears blue-green, the water has high levels of copper.

Water can have a variety of pH levels nautually, but it is ideal to have your waters pH at 7 (natural) or greater on the pH scale. If the pH of your water is below 7 (acidic) the water can turn corrosive or acidic as it does not have the necessary mineral content to keep metal concentration in check. If you use professional water treatment services or well pump service in Napa County and Sonoma County, they will be able to let you know if your well water is corrosive, and the steps you need to take to rectify the acid levels.

If you feel that your well water is corrosive, get it tested. The testing lab should have the capability to conduct a special test to determine the cause and gravity of corrosion potential. Usually, the Langelier Saturation Index is used to test water that is corrosive. The test involves not only measuring the pH of the water, but also total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity of the water, total hardness, and finally the alkalinity. The test result will either be positive or negative, and the range of the corrosive well water will be between 1, which refers to mild corrosion potential, and 5, which is severe corrosion potential.

Dealing with Corrosive Well Water

Depending on the cause of the acidity of water, the professional water treatment service will recommend one of the following:

  • Replacing the Plumbing System

If the acidic water has been present for some time, and even rasing the pH does not seem to improve the stating or taste, its possible your pipes may be too far cooroded and you may need to replace your plumbing.  It would be best to replace all the metallic pipes with plastic or PEX pipes to prevent contamination of well water. Just make sure the pipes you choose are certified for drinking water.

  • Treating the Water

You can treat the water to reduce the concentration of corrosive elements or you can reduce the amount of dissolved metals in the water. In the former, alkaline material like calcium carbonate is installed at the point where the water enters your home. The presence of calcium helps to increase the pH from acidic to neutral. On the other hand, in the latter, a water softener or any other equipment, such as reverse osmosis filter, depending on the type of metal is installed, and helps to reduce the concentration of dissolved metals in the water.

Other Ways to Deal with Corrosive Well Water

Sometimes, it has been observed that the level of corrosion in well water may not be high enough to affect pipes, fixtures, and cooking. However, the water could still contain high levels of toxic metals like copper and lead. These metals can have an adverse effect on the metal plumbing fixture depending on how long the water stays in contact with them, and can also pose a health hazard.

The highest levels of concentrations are usually found in the morning after the water has stayed undisturbed in the pipes. So, if you want to test the water for lead and copper, it is best to take the water before you use it. Then take another water sample after letting the water run for about three to five minutes.

In case the second water sample shows safe levels of lead and copper, you can rest assured knowing that you will be able to consume your well water as long as you flush the pipes properly. You can store the water in pitchers after flushing so that you have sufficient amount for consumption.  

Of course, it goes without saying that flushing is merely a temporary solution to deal with the presence of lead and copper in your well water. You can consult a professional water treatment service and install Point-of-Use treatment systems. These systems are not that expensive, and will remove metals from the taps in your kitchen as well as the bathroom. The PoU treatment systems have the ability to treat small amounts of water that you can use for cooking and drinking. Reverse osmosis and activated alumina absorption systems are good examples of PoU treatment systems, and are quite effective in eliminating lead and copper from well water before these metals make it to the plumbing system. So, you should consider installing one of these systems if you are not keen on flushing the pipelines before you can get access to potable well water.

You Can Trust in Weeks Drilling & Pump Co.

While it is stressful to find out that your well water is corrosive, you need not worry as the right water treatment services in Sonoma County will help you find the right way to solve the problem, and make your well water safe and healthy. The service provider will run extensive tests and assays on your well water to determine the level of corrosion. Once this is established, it is easier to find the right solution. The tests will be done based on your location in the County as all areas do not have the same contaminants in the water. Companies that offer water treatment services in Sonoma County are well-versed with this knowledge, and hence, provide the perfect tests to give you peace of mind, and ensure you get accurate results.

If you need to get your well water tested, Weeks Drilling & Pump Co. is a name you can trust. Call us today at 707-823-3184 to speak with one of our water testing professionals for a quote and other details.