The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that there are more than 151,000 public water systems in the United States. A system that provides water to 15 or more connections for human consumption, or serves 25 or more people on daily basis for at least 60 days of the year. The water systems are classified according to the source of their water, the number of people they serve, and whether they supply to same customers throughout the year or on an occasional basis.

Types of Public Water Systems

When people think about public water systems, many think of large city or regional suppliers of water. But, these water systems also provide water to small housing communities, businesses, and even schools and restaurants. Most of public water systems are privately owned and may not be necessarily public entities.

There are three legal distinctions between the types of public water systems: community, transient, and non-transient non-community. The water system type is based on how often the water is consumed. Regulations on drinking water impose a number of stringent monitoring requirements on both community and non-transient non-community water systems due to the fact that the people served by these water systems obtain all or the majority of their water from that system on a daily basis.

Now, let’s have a quick look at types of public water systems:

  • Community Water Systems: These water systems are utilities regulated by the city or county, regional water systems, and even small water companies and districts.
  • Transient Water Systems: These include entities such as restaurants, rural gas stations, and State and National parks that provide their own portable source of water. Most of the people who consume water from these sources neither regularly spend time nor reside there.
  • Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems: These water systems are places like businesses and schools that provide their own water. The same people regularly consume the water but do not reside there.


Requirements to Create and Maintain Public Water Systems in Healdsburg

Environmental Protection Agency Act has set a legal limit on about 90 contaminants in drinking water. For a contaminant, the legal limit reflects the level that water systems can achieve and protects human health using the best available technology. Water-testing schedules and methods that water systems must follow are also, classified under EPA rules.

According to Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the individual states have the opportunity to decide and implement their own drinking water standards if the standards are at a minimum as rigid as national standards set by EPA.

National Primary Drinking Water Regulations is another authority that has set primary standards and treatment techniques to protect public health by limiting the levels of contaminants in drinking water.

If a new applicant is planning to invest in a public water system then, they must consider all requirements applicable to a water system. A public water system will typically incur costs that are associated with all or most of the required elements. Depending on whether it is a public or private entity, there may be other requirements applicable as well. The requirements imposed by other programs, such as Division of Water Rights, the State Water Resources Control Board, and other regulatory agencies like Public Utilities Commission, Local Area Formation Commission, and city and county governments.

Investing in public water systems in Healdsburg can provide several benefits to the communities they serve, comprising supply of safe drinking water. As a result of the regulations on public drinking water, entities that invest in public water systems are able to reduce the harmful effects of contaminated water and improve human health. Other benefits include reduced pipe corrosion, improved taste, and lesser need to boil water, buy bottled water, or purchase a filter.

Test and Treat Your Water Source

If there is water scarcity, it is a good idea to invest in public water systems in Healdsburg. This ensures the consumption of safe water throughout your community. To test and treat your source of water, connect with Weeks Drilling & Pump Co. to schedule a consultation visit or an on-site inspection today.