More and more homeowners are switching to private wells as well water has become a topic of discussion and subject of various studies in the recent years. While well water may vary in water volume and quality, unlike most other local water systems and the local municipal water, it is sourced directly from the ground, and doesn’t go through myriad chemical processes before consumption. According to experts in water purification services in Sonoma County, well water is not just environmentally friendly, but also has great taste and offers many health benefits.

Helps in weight loss

We all know that drinking water helps lose weight. But, when you drink well water, you also avoid consuming the harmful chemicals that are can be present in municipal water. Since well water is tasty, you can drink more water when you are dehydrated or hungry. This helps you feel fuller, and prevents you from overeating.

Improves heart health

Did you know that you could reduce the risk of succumbing to heart ailments by drinking more water? A number of studies have proven that people who consume adequate amounts of water each day are less likely to have heart attacks. That is not all! Drinking water also helps boost metabolism; hydrates and nourishes the body and flushes out toxins that can cause various illnesses. Since well water can have a cleaner taste, it makes it more drinkable too!

Enhances brain function

Consuming copious quantities of water can help you think clearly. Research indicates that water – a zero calorie drink – can indeed make you smarter. The body comprises of 70% water, and needs water to be able to function optimally. When you drink well water, you are more hydrated, and can focus better.                                                                             

Promotes healthy-looking skin

If you have always dreamt of radiant and beautiful skin, it is time you switch to well water. Drinking plenty of water as it helps hydrate the skin and gives it a beautiful and youthful glow. As mentioned earlier, water also helps in getting rid of toxins that could affect your skin texture. In short, the more water you drink, the more nourished will your skin be, and the more beautiful you will look!

Many homeowners across the United States have water wells and are reaping the many benefits of well water. If you wish to enjoy ground water that is not subjected to chlorination, contact Weeks Drilling & Pump Co. for digging a well on your property. We offer the highest quality water well drilling as well as water purification services in Sonoma County. Call us today at 707-823-3184 for a free quote!