Our History
Weeks Drilling & Pump Co. started out in 1906 as a country hardware
store and small pump shop, owned and operated by Hod Weeks. It was originally located in the
heart of Sebastopol on what is now called Weeks Way. In 1949 Walter & Mary Thompson
purchased Weeks Hardware and decided to retain the well-established Weeks name. By the early
1950s they had sold the hardware store to devote their time and energy exclusively to the pump
shop and also add on the drilling operation capability. Following Walter’s death in 1959, Mary
Thompson took the reins as company president and ran Weeks with the help of her four sons;
Wayne, Jerry, Bob & Ward. They grew the business and established their reputation for quality
work and dedication to the highest professional standards. Weeks moved to its present location
on Highway 12 in the early 1960s.